Let's Design a Case for Apple's Vision Pro

Join our Community Design team and let us know what you’d like to see in a case for your Apple Vision Pro.
We’ll keep you updated as we go from idea to production.
UPDATE #4 - Introducing the Shield Case for Vision Pro - February 8, 2024
Based on your responses to the prototypes in Update #2, many of you opted for the case. Today, the Vision Pro Shield Case is ready for production! However, many of you had some excellent feedback on the backpack, so stay tuned.
Thanks to everyone for participating in another Community Design! We hope you recognize some of the features in the Shield Case, especially your request to have it in a smaller form factor.
The Shield Case for Vision Pro is more compact than the Apple Travel Case and holds all the accessories that ships in the box with Vision Pro. Let us know what you think.
UPDATE #3 - New case ready to launch - February 7, 2024
Based on your feedback on the prototypes, we’re very excited to launch the first case. It will be ready for order later this week. Stay tuned!
UPDATE #2 - Prototypes are ready - February 1, 2024
Thanks to your responses to Update #1 and additional details of the Vision Pro itself, we now have two prototypes to share with you: a backpack and a case for the Vision Pro.
Vision Pro Backpack Prototype
Vision Pro Case Prototype
Prototype selection survey closed.
UPDATE #1 - Apple announces Vision Pro Availability - January 10, 2024
Stay tuned for what we have on the drawing board. Now that a bit more about Vision Pro has been revealed, we’d like to nail down some details.
Can you provide additional info about your use cases?
Use cases survey closed.
Initial survey closed.
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