Enjoy April Fool's Day!
Enjoy April Fool's Day
What's your favorite joke today? Please share at HeyGary@SFbags.com.

2024: WaterField HeadCase for Vision Pro
Walk into a post while you're wearing your Vision Pro? No problem!
Why not protect your head? Once you encase your head in our HeadCase, you'll be a headcase about it. Adjustable strap ensures it fits people with big heads (or small).
Made of brightly colored rip-stop nylon so people will see you coming. Structural foam protects against unfortunate tree encounters.

2024: Sixteen-Year Anniversary iPhone Pouch
Can you believe the iPhone is now 16 years old?
Give it the Sweet Sixteen treatment with the bling it deserves! You'll be the envy of the office when you pull out your Original iPhone from the new Sixteen-Year Anniversary iPhone Pouch*, custom-sized for the very first iPhone.
*Glitter, sequins and dad's hand-me-down Volvo not included.

2024: Air Travel iMac Carry-on
Let's face it: Size matters. Those other guys on the plane with their puny 16-inch screens will be green with envy when you pull out your 24-inch iMac. Not only will your in-flight productivity increase, you'll also get to collaborate with random strangers sitting next to you, whether they like it or not.
The Air Travel iMac Carry On, for when a MacBook Pro just won't do.

Live large at 35,000 feet
With more pockets than you’d know what to do with, you can easily carry everything you need for the ultimate inflight big screen experience. Pack your iMac, keyboard, and other travel essentials in the Air Travel iMac Carry-on and off you go.
Forza nylon construction, metal hardware and a 1.5-inch nylon adjustable shoulder strap support your hefty 10-pound iMac.

2023: AI-generated Tote
With labor costs constantly rising, WaterField decides to lay off its longtime design team and now utilizes AI-generated designs.
"The AI-generated Tote speaks for itself."
- Gary, CEO

2023: Hydro Supreme Backpack
The Hydro Backpack's 19-liter water bottle pockets make it the ideal sidekick for long desert hikes. You (and your entire hiking group) will never be thirsty again.
The versatile Hydro Backpack will improve your worklife, too. With the 19-liter water cooler flask at your side, co-workers will be drawn to you for chat and gossip breaks.

2023: Tech Bro Briefs
Now keep all your tech gear as close to you as possible, with pockets for your smartphone (hopefully set to vibrate), charging cables, thumb drives, and more.
Bonus: No one will want to borrow your smartphone when they see you pull it out of your Tech Bro Brief.
Pro Tip: Confirm your phone camera is off before storing it in your briefs.

2022: Non-Fungible Tote (NFT)
Own one of 7,777 Limited Edition generative WaterField NFTs, each with its own unique Gary avatar. Sold in cryptocurrencies only.

2022: Marble Pouch with AirTag Slot
Have you lost your marbles?! Secure them in this pouch and quickly retrieve them whenever you're frazzled.

2022: Inflation Wallet
In Limited Edition Dollar-green color. The price goes up the longer you wait. Buy today at $59, next week at $99, next month at $199.

2021: Personal Two-Cents Case
Dispense your two cents of advice anytime, anywhere when stored in this custom-fit case.

2021: Hand Sanitizer Satchel
Easy one-hand access to your sanitizer. Take it everywhere you go.

2021: Leather-Bound Party Book
Collect all your wild 2020 adventures in one place, the old fashion way.
2019, 2018, 2017

2019: WaterField+
Streaming original bags. Monthly Subscription.

2019: WaterField Card
4% cash back if accepted. Gets better-looking with each use.

2019: WaterField News+
View videos, blogs, social posts from one organized place.

2018: Magic Carpet for Magic Mouse
Keep the surface of the Magic Mouse smooth, clean and shiny.

2018: Bitcoin Purse
Keep bitcoins safe with the self-locking zipper firewall.

2017: Cozmo in Rose Gold hardware
Match your Cozmo briefcase with your new iPhone.

2017: Apple Watch Pad 2.0
Now 1/4-inch longer. Bigger is better.

2017: Zen Phone Case
Enjoy total silense. Blocks cell-phone reception.